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Viaggiare sani e sicuri – la nostra principale preoccupazione è che tu possa goderti il tuo viaggio in buona salute e che diventi un’esperienza indimenticabile! Siamo al tuo fianco, con informazioni per una preparazione ottimale del viaggio, raccomandazioni di vaccinazione, mappe, consigli in caso di malattia e molto altro! Tutte le informazioni possono essere compilate e salvate individualmente. Il sito è in costruzione e sarà continuamente aggiornato con nuovi contenuti e aggiornamenti.
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D.R. Congo: Acute respiratory infections complicated by malaria (previously undiagnosed disease) - Democratic Republic of the Congo
On 29 November, an alert was raised by local health zone authorities of Panzi health zone in Kwango province after an increase in deaths, particularly among children under five years of age, following febrile illness.
Enhanced epidemiological surveillance was rapidly implemented, which in the absence of a clear diagnosis was based on the detection of syndromic cases of febrile illnesses with cough, body weakness, with one of a number of other symptoms compatible with acute respiratory and febrile illnesses. This resulted in a rapid increase in the number of cases meeting the definition, with a total of 891 cases reported as of 16 December 2024. However, the weekly number of reported deaths (48 deaths reported over the period) has remained relatively stable. As of 16 December, laboratory results from a total of 430 samples indicated positive results for malaria, common respiratory viruses (Influenza A (H1N1, pdm09), rhinoviruses, SARS-COV-2, Human coronaviruses, parainfluenza viruses, and Human Adenovirus). While further laboratory tests are ongoing, together these findings suggest that a combination of common and seasonal viral respiratory infections and falciparum malaria, compounded by acute malnutrition led to an increase in severe infections and deaths, disproportionally affecting children under five years of age.
Zambia, Zimbabwe: Sleeping sickness among travellers
There have been several cases of East African sleeping sickness among travelers returning from safari areas in Zambia and Zimbabwe (see map).
Regions highlighted within Zambia and Zimbabwe depicting the approximate risk area for the disease.
African trypanosomiasis, also called sleeping sickness, is endemic in many Subsaharan countries. It is transmitted by Tsetse flies. These flies are mainly attracted by bright, dark (especially blue) colours. They inhabit rural areas, including forests and savannah areas, and areas of thick vegetation along rivers and waterholes, depending on the fly species. Tsetse flies bite during the day, <1% are infected. Risk for infection in travelers increases with the number of fly bites, which does not always correlate with duration of travel. People most likely to be exposed to African trypanosomiasis infection are hunters and villagers with infected cattle herds. Tourists and other people working in or visiting game parks are at risk for contracting African trypanosomiasis if they spend long periods in rural areas where the disease is present. Travelers to urban areas are at minimal risk, although transmission has been observed in some urban settings in the past.
Cuba: Increase of hepatitis A infections
The Cuban Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) has issued an alert for tourists planning to visit the island due to the increase in cases of hepatitis A.
Colombia: Anthrax outbreak – health emergency declared in La Guajira
On 26 Dec 2024, the Colombian Agricultural (ICA) Institute declared a state of health emergency in the department of La Guajira and dictated measures to prevent and control the outbreak in the department. The outbreak was detected in a field owned by a Wayuu community in La Guajira where more than 20 goats died. Anthrax was confirmed in 2 patients who presented skin leasions.
Anthrax - caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis, present on all continents, causes high mortality in ruminants. It is highly dangerous, both for animals and for public health, and has a rapid capacity to spread.
China: Increase in respiratory infections
The Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported a sharp increase in respiratory viral infections, including human metapneumovirus (hMPV) infections, in northern China since December 2024.
Human metapneumovirus can affect all age groups and normally causes mild-to-moderate respiratory illness but sometimes the infection can be severe in young children, older adults, and immunocompromised individuals. In the EU/EEA, hMPV is most active during late winter and spring, often circulating alongside other respiratory viruses. There is no vaccine or specific antiviral treatment available for hMPV. For more information: LINK.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
The HealthyTravel team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy 2025 with travel in good health.
Mpox outbreak continues to meet the WHO criteria of a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC)
The second meeting of the WHO International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the upsurge of mpox cases in 2024 met on 22 November 2024. The Committee agreed that the situation continued to meet the criteria of a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) initially declared in August 2024. Standing and additional temporary recommendations have been extended until 20 August 2025. The WHO committee state that the event 'requires a coordinated international response'. For details in including temporary recommendations to WHO state parties, see WHO LINK.
Americas: Oropouche virus - update
According to WHO, as of 25 November 2024, a total of 11’ 634 confirmed Oropouche cases, including two deaths, have been reported in the Region of the Americas, across ten countries and one territory: Bolivia (356 cases), Brazil (9563 cases, including two deaths), Canada (two imported cases), Cayman Island (one imported case), Colombia (74 cases), Cuba (603 cases), Ecuador (two cases), Guyana (two cases), Panama (one case), Peru (936 cases), and the United States of America (94 imported cases). Additionally, imported Oropouche cases have been reported in countries in the European Region (30 cases).
In addition, As of 7 December 2024, two adult cases of Oropouche virus disease have been reported by health officials on Barbados.
Japan: Significant increase of parvovirus B19 infections
According to the Japanese Ministry of Health, more than 150 cases of the fifth disease (erythema infectiosum) caused by parvovirus B19 are reported every week. Since the end of August 2024, more than 1’100 cases have been reported nationwide, a significant increase compared to the average incidence. Cases are reported especially in Kanagawa (> 160 cases), Saitama (> 250 cases) and Tokyo (> 260 cases) prefectures. The peak of the outbreak has not yet been reached.
An infection with parvovirus B19 is usually asymptomatic (up to 20%) to mild and self-limiting with cold-like symptoms, skin rash (“slapped cheek”) and arthralgia. High rates of virus circulation in the community pose a risk for pregnant women that have not been exposed to the virus previously and have developed protective immunity. Up to 10% of pregnant women infected with parvovirus B19 during the first 20 gestational weeks can experience complications such as hydrops fetalis and miscarriage. Other groups at risk of severe illness include individuals with blood disorders or weakened immune system.
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Aggiornamenti di raccomandazioni
Scopri gli ultimi aggiornamenti del contenuto del sito webRequisiti di ingresso per la febbre gialla - update
I requisiti di ingresso per la febbre gialla sono stati aggiornati per Bolivia, Costa Rica, Egitto, Malesia, Paraguay,
Sao Tomé e Principé.
Mpox - informazioni e raccomandazioni aggiornate
Le raccomandazioni Mpox sono state aggiornate dal Comitato svizzero di esperti in medicina dei viaggi il 15 dicembre 2024.
Polio - raccomandazioni temporanee aggiornate dell'OMS
Le pagine dei Paesi sono state aggiornate per riflettere le raccomandazioni temporanee dell'OMS sulla polio.
Lista dei Paesi con febbre gialla
La “Lista dei Paesi colpiti dalla febbre gialla (raccomandazioni di vaccinazione e condizioni di ingresso)” è stata aggiornata ed è disponibile su Version PRO -> febbre gialla -> documenti per professionisti
Requisiti di ingresso per la polio - aggiornamento
I requisiti di ingresso per la polio sono stati aggiornati per Nepal.
Raccomandazioni dell'OMS sul virus Oropouche - aggiornamento
Le raccomandazioni dell'OMS per il virus Oropouche sono state aggiornate.
Lista di controllo per la gravidanza e l'allattamento
La lista di controllo per la gravidanza e l'allattamento è stata aggiornata: vedi -> Viaggiatori speciali
Factsheet sulla rabbia - aggiornamento
Factsheet sulla rabbia è stata aggiornata ed è disponibile in una versione pubblica e in una versione PRO.
Factsheets - Epatite A + B
Factsheets sull'epatite A e B sono nuove e sono disponibili in versione pubblica e PRO.