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Uganda: Ebola Ausbruch verursacht durch das Sudan-Virus – Update
- Vom 30. Januar bis zum 9. Februar 2025 wurden insgesamt 9 bestätigte Fälle (einschliesslich 1 Todesfall) der durch das Sudan-Virus verursachten Ebola-Krankheit (auch Sudan-Virus-Krankheit, SVD) aus fünf Distrikten des Landes gemeldet: Wakiso, Kampala, Mbale, Jinja und Mukono.
- Der Indexfall ist am 31. Januar 2025 verstorben; die übrigen acht bestätigten Fälle sind derzeit in Behandlung.
- Bisher wurden insgesamt 308 Kontakte identifiziert, unter ihnen 265 Hochrisikokontakte, die in dafür vorgesehenen Einrichtungen unter Quarantäne gestellt wurden.
- Im Rahmen einer Studie hat Uganda Impfungen gegen den Sudan-Stamm von Ebola gestartet.
- An den Landesgrenzen und am internationalen Flughafen Entebbe (EBB) wurden am 6. Februar 2025 aufgrund des Ebola-Virus Screening-Untersuchungen für abreisende Personen eingeführt.
Am 29. Januar 2025 erklärte das ugandische Gesundheitsministerium offiziell den Ausbruch der Sudan-Virus-Krankheit (SVD) in Kampala. SVD ist eine Art der Ebola-Krankheit, die durch eine Infektion mit dem Sudan-Virus verursacht wird. Dies ist der achte Ebola-Ausbruch in Uganda seit dem Jahr 2000. Es gibt keine zugelassenen Impfstoffe oder Therapeutika zur Vorbeugung oder Behandlung von SVD.
Geografische Verteilung der Fälle und Todesfälle der Sudan-Virus-Krankheit in Uganda, 30. Januar bis 9. Februar 2025:
Zimbabwe: Counterfeit rabies vaccine
A counterfeit rabies vaccine (Abhayrab; Human Biologics Institute) is being distributed through unauthorised sources; the extent of its potential distribution is unknown. The counterfeit vaccine is labelled ‘Rabies Vaccine, Human I.P.’, while the registered vaccine is labelled "Rabies Vaccine B.P. “Rab.”
Americas Region: Yellow fever alert
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has issued an alert due to an increase in human cases of yellow fever (YF) in the last months of 2024 and beginning of 2025 in countries in the Region of Americas.
In the first 4 weeks of 2025:
- 17 confirmed human cases of YF have been reported in: Brazil (8 cases, incl. 4 deaths, all in state São Paulo), Colombia (8 cases, incl. 2 deaths), and Peru (1 death).
- Cumulatively in 2024:
61 human YF cases were confirmed the Americas Region. Out of them, at least 7 cases had history of vaccination. Cases were reported in Bolivia (8 cases incl. 4 death), Brazil (8 cases incl. 4 death), Colombia (23 cases incl. 13 deaths), Guyana (3 cases) and Peru (19 cases, incl. 9 deaths).
Yellow fever cases in humans in the Americas Region, between January 2020 and January 2025:
Americas Region: Risk of dengue outbreaks due to increased circulation of DENV-3
Given the risk of an increase in the circulation of dengue serotype DENV-3 in the southern hemisphere of the Americas Region during the peak dengue season, the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) urges Member States to prepare for a possible increase in cases and ensure early diagnosis and timely care dengue and other arbovirus cases, in order to prevent severe cases and deaths associated with these diseases.
The occurrence and magnitude of dengue outbreaks are usually associated with the introduction or increase in circulation of a serotype other than the one that previously predominated in an affected region.
For details, see PAHO publication.
Canada, USA: Measles outbreaks
Both countries have reported an increase in measles cases since the beginning of the year 2025. In addition to children, adults are also affected.
Measles is not a benign disease, as the following facts show:
- Hospitalization: about 1 in 5 unvaccinated people in the United States who get measles are hospitalized.
- Pneumonia: as many as 1 out of every 20 children with measles will develop pneumonia, the leading cause of death from measles in young children.
- Encephalitis: about 1 in 1,000 children with measles will develop encephalitis, which can cause convulsions and leave the child deaf or intellectually disabled.
- Death: nearly 1 to 3 out of every 1000 children infected with measles will die from respiratory and neurological complications.
- Complications during pregnancy: measles can cause pregnant women who have not received the MMR vaccine to give birth prematurely or have a low-birth-weight baby.
Panama: Increased transmission risk of Oropouche virus in Darién province
The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 2 alert for Oropouche virus (OROV) outbreak for the Province Darién in Panama. The state Espiritu Santu in Brazil has still also a Level 2 alert. For other countries, where OROV is endemic: see LINK of CDC Level 1 countries.
Areas in Brazil and Panama with an elevated number of cases of Oropouche:
European Region: Continuous increase of sexually transmitted diseases
The data from the latest ECDC annual epidemiologic reports on sexual transmitted diseases (STIs) show the notification rate for confirmed gonorrhea cases in European Union/European Economic Area countries rose by 31% in 2023 compared with 2022 and has risen by 321% since 2014.
Syphilis cases also continue to rise. In 2023, 41’051 confirmed cases were reported in 29 EU/EEA countries, representing a 13% increase compared to 2022, and a doubling compared to 2014.
Uganda: Ebola outbreak confirmed
Uganda has confirmed a new Ebola outbreak. So far, one case of Sudan Ebola disease has been confirmed in a nurse at Mulago Referral Hospital in Kamapala who died on 29 January 2025. The source of acquisition is unknown, investigations are ongoing. No other health workers or patients have shown symptoms of the disease. A total of 45 contacts, including health workers and family members of the confirmed case (deceased) have been identified and are currently under close monitoring. The identification of the case in a densely populated urban area requires rapid and intense response.
Panama: Oropouche outbreak in Darien province
The Ministry of Health, through the Epidemiology Department of the General Directorate of Public Health, informs the population of the detection of an outbreak of the Oropouche virus (OROV) in Darien province. So far, OROV infection was confirmed in 34 patients.
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Updates of recommendations
Find out about the latest content updates on the websiteEntry requirements for yellow fever - update
The entry requirements for yellow fever have been updated for Bolivia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Malaysia, Paraguay, Sao Tomé and Principé.
Mpox – updated informationen and recommendations
Mpox recommendation have been updated by the Swiss Expert Committee for Travel Medicine on 5 January 2025.
Polio – updated WHO temporary recommendations
The country pages have been updated to reflect the updated WHO temporary polio recommendations.
Yellow Fever Country List
The 'Yellow fever country list (vaccination recommendations and countries’ entry requirements) has been updated and is available on PRO Version -> yellow fever -> documents for professionals
Entry requirements for polio - update
The entry requirements for polio have been updated for Nepal.
Saudi Arabia entry requirement - update
The entry requirements for Saudia Arabia have been updated with meningococcal vaccines for all travelers.
Measles entry requirements
Measles entry requirements have been lifted for Solomon Islands.
Tanzania: Marburg virus outbreak – update
New recommendations for travellers have been issued by Tanzania. See LINK.